DECLARE Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
Households Declare is a platform where households throughout the United Kingdom can take steps to address the impact our homes have on the Climate Emergency.
By signing up and joining together we can create networks of guidance and information, and lobby the government to urgently support home improvements that address the Climate Emergency.
In the UK nearly 20% of all Carbon equivalent Emissions are a result of energy used in our homes. Homes both owned and rented make up the second largest single sector of emissions in the country after transport.
We are in a state of climate and ecological breakdown. There is a compelling body of scientific work indicating our present trajectory will lead to catastrophe if we do not make ambitious and radical changes as a matter of urgency.
“We will not meet our targets…without near complete decarbonisation of the housing stock.” UK Committee on Climate Change.
UK Emissions Homes 20%
13% Owner Occupied
4% Rental Private
3% Rental Public
figures 2015/16, UK Committee on Climate Change
27,940,000 Homes in 2018
63% Owner Occupied (17,619,000)
19% Private Renters (5,414,000)
7% Council Renters (2,004,000)
11% Housing Assoc Renters (2,918,000)
figures April 2018, Office of National Statistics